Photovoltaic Solar Park with Lithium Batteries

Technology Photovoltaic technology uses solar radiation to generate electricity directly. Installed photovoltaic panels in photovoltaic farms include a semiconductor sheet. The energy carried by solar rays, excite the semiconductor electrons…

Wind Farm

Technology Wind technology uses air currents to generate electricity. Wind farms consist of several wind turbines. Each unit produces electricity by transforming the wind’s kinetic energy into mechanical energy, which…

Run-of-river hydropower

Technology With hydroelectricity, electricity is produced through turbines, taking advantage of impending heights. Hydroelectric plants work by exploiting the kinetic energy of water. Gravity makes water to flow from higher…

Photovoltaic Solar Park

Technology Photovoltaic technology uses solar radiation to generate electricity Installed photovoltaic panels in photovoltaic farms include a semiconductor sheet. The energy carried by solar rays, excite the semiconductor electrons until…

Open Pit Mine

Energy consumption of the mining sector • Most mining operations in Chile are open pit-structures, involving excavation and transportation to processing plants within the mining complex. These processes are highly…

Underground Mine

Energy consumption of the mining sector According to information from COCHILCO, in 2018, the mining sector consumed the equivalent of 177 GJ, which is equal to about 14% of the…

Geothermal energy

Technology Geothermal energy consists of harnessing heat from the ground to produce electricity. In a geothermal plant, high-pressure hot water in contact with high-temperature rocks in deep layers of the…

Planta Bombeo Hidráulico con agua de mar

La tecnología En una central hidroeléctrica de bombeo el agua se bombea desde un nivel inferior a un reservorio superior, donde el agua es almacenada. Posteriormente el agua baja por…




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